Sometimes Chrome won’t load pages correctly especially through classlink. Often this is because in an effort to be helpful, chrome is saving settings, images, and information from past usage of a webpage. Most of the time this makes pages load much more quickly but sometimes a setting gets changed on the website's end of the connection and the old setting is still saved(cached) on your end and the page won’t load properly. A quick thing you can try when a webpage won’t load is to clear your cache(stored settings for web pages).
First, Open Google Chrome.
Second, In the upper right corner of your Web browser look for the [a][b]three vertically stacked dots and click on them.
In the menu that pops up click settings
In the window that opens select Clear Browsing Data
This will open another window. Change the time range to All time and then select Clear data.
Close all open chrome windows and then try accessing the problem website again.
[a]decapitalized - if that's a word
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