District 93 email can be received on your Android mobile device by downloading the
Microsoft Outlook application. This application can be obtained by downloading it from
the Google Play or Play Store application (icon shown below).
Once inside Google Play we can search for Microsoft Outlook (shown below).
Once installation is completed, we will open the application and be asked to join an
email account to Outlook (it may ask you to join your personal gmail account, or
another account you already have associated with your phone, if it is not the
@d93.k12.id.us District email then ignore or skip this step).
Here we will enter in our Outlook district email that is your District username followed
by the outlook domain name that we can see above is @d93.k12.id.us
After entering in our district email it will then prompt for our district password. This is
the same password you use to log into your district computer each day.
After this login, it will prompt you for your Two-Factor Authentication code. This is the 6-digit number for verifica
Once entering in your code your district email account will be linked to the Outlook
application. When this is done Outlook may request you to add additional email
addresses. In practice many have found it easier to manage their District email by only
having that email address associated with the Outlook app. So I would advise against
adding another email address to Outlook app.
Setup now should be completed. Because Outlook is set-up with the Two-Factor
Authentication we will have to re-verify the App every 30 days to continue receiving
email. If you have the same mobile phone as the Two-Factor Verification destination it
is very easy to do this re-verification. The Outlook app will prompt you when it needs to
be re-verified.
Thatâs it! Now you can access your District email by looking for the Outlook icon as
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