Display and multiple monitor issues:
Common Display Issues:
- Monitor appears disconnected
- Cannot see the computer login screen.
- Mouse appears, but everything else is black
- Cannot calibrate SMART board - calibration appears on monitor, but not on projector
Typical Cause:
- Rather than using separate VGA splitters that would send the same display signal to two sources (monitor and projector), many of the new computers now have multiple ports/hookups that allow us to directly plug the monitor(s)/projector into individual ports.
- Windows will now treat your projector like a second monitor.
- Because of this, Windows will initially believe that you have two monitors set up and that you want your "desktop" to display/extend over both screens.
Steps to Resolve the Issue:
- First, turn on the projector and see if the login screen appears. If so, log in and proceed to step 3.
- Try disconnecting the cable that goes to the projector from where it is directly plugged into the PC.
- If you can now see the correct screen, log in and proceed to step 3.
- Change the display settings:
- Right click anywhere on the desktop - a context menu should appear.
- Click on the "Display settings" option - a new window should appear.
- If the option is available, check the "Make this my main display" option.
- If it is not available, you may need to select another display (Click the box labeled 2, etc) and/or reconnect the projector cable.
- Right click anywhere on the desktop - a context menu should appear.
If you prefer, while in the "Display settings" window, you can change the option under "Multiple Displays" from "Extend these displays" to "Duplicate these displays"
After doing so, you will need to select "Keep these settings" to avoid Windows reverting back to the original settings. You may also need to change the resolution back to the biggest resolution for things to show normally.
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